Friday, November 2, 2007

NewsQuiz: Britney Speaks.

Subject: Music, Entertainment.

In her new single, Britney Spears daringly asks the world "Do you want a piece of me?"

From the following sentences, pick the one that completes this note the best.

a) This comes to add itself to the list of traits that make the singer similar to a KFC bucket.

b) The world then responded with a collective 'No, thanks, Britney. We're on a low-fat diet.'

c) This and her skimpy VMA outfit just go to show that even after the media, Justin, K-Fed, Perez Hilton and the DMV have helped themselves... man, there's still a TON of Britney to go around.

d) Federal authorities and record executives are still trying to find someone who genuinly cares about this.

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